Five Signs of Stress

Stress affects the body in many different ways. Some of these are obvious, but others may not be as noticeable or easy to detect until they become more severe. Different people are affected more or less intensely, and in different ways. 

Educating yourself about the signs and symptoms of stress is the first step towards reducing its negative mind/body effects. Here are five signs that you’re too stressed out:

Eye contraction. Although the exact cause of the contraction eye is not known, may be a sign that you need to take a break and relax. Sometimes a drop will go away after a good night's sleep, but it may take up to three weeks. The intake of caffeine and excessive fatigue are the other main contributors to the continuous movement of the eyes. Reduce the causes of stress is the most important thing, which leads to stop contractions.

Pain in the jaw. If you have jaw pain, perhaps because you were tightening the muscles of the jaw. It's something people tend to do when they feel tense or anxious, and it may happen while you are awake or asleep. You may also grind their teeth, which can lead to similar pain. A mouthguard can be useful for this. In general, it helps a lot to pay attention to how you feel, so you can get to the root of why you feel tense. Meanwhile, concentrate on relaxing your jaw when you feel that you buckle up.

Sore gums. Stress to increase the level of cortisol, a stress hormone, which increases the likelihood of inflammation throughout the body, including gums. It can also weaken the immune system, which is the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, which can cause gum irritation and inflammation. In addition, tooth brushing and flossing regularly, the immune system by eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and when a multi-vitamin.

Nausea. Severe stress can often lead to indigestion. High levels of stress have been shown to increase the probability of an upset stomach, partly because the hormones are released in the stomach due to stress or anxiety. The body produces the reaction of fight or flight response to stress, leading to palpitations and waves of adrenaline. Exercise can be a good way to fight against the effects of stress-induced nausea. Food also plays a role, try to drink less coffee and stay away from spicy food.

Itchy skin. Stress causes changes in immune cells in the skin, causing them to become active. This can cause itching and rashes. Stress can cause certain skin diseases - psoriasis, rosacea and eczema - even worse. If your skin has been itching Finally, consider the stress in your life and take steps to reduce it. You can also try to visit a dermatologist who can treat your condition with a cream or lotion.

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